Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Code

What principles govern your life? What would say are foundational truths that set the agenda for the bigger decisions you make in life? At some point in life it’s vital that you are able to define what you are about and begin to make choices that align with that discovery. It’s to easy to be something in theory and not in reality. So with that in mind, I wanted to share what defines bridgeCHURCH and the Code that drives us into what we are called to do in this city!

We are all about the Experience. This is a place where passionate worship and His word bring people into an experience with God.

We are called to bring Hope. We are seeking those in our city who are lost and far from God.

We will Grow. Growth is a sign of health in both the believer and the Body of Christ.

Our hearts beat with Compassion. True compassion moves us beyond just feelings and emotions, and compels us to action through love for others.

We are defined by how we Serve. It is through simple acts of serving, even to the least of these, that we humbly make Christ known in this city.

This is a place to Connect. We are marked by kindness and authenticity. Simply put, people matter to us.

We Give because He first gave. We invest generously, sow bountifully, and spend ourselves for the sake of God and people.

Respect is in our DNA. We show value toward God and others in the way we express honor and respect in both our language and attitude.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hands and Feet

What opportunities will come your way today to show the love of Jesus to someone? Every day is a brand new gift from God to influence someone by the way you love, serve and live. At the office, on the job, during lunch, in the department store or simply talking with your neighbor. Simple day to day moments that become amazing opportunities to share Christ with others. The Gospel of Jesus is not complex, his way of life is not burdensome or heavy. “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

Let’s help lift the load of someone today and become the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need. Jesus is still the answer and we have the hope of Christ living in us…let’s share that hope today!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


One of the most difficult topics to engage our culture in is the topic of end time events. There are moments of peaked interest only to be met with much skepticism and doubt. How could a sober, rational and educated person ever believe there are series of events that are currently unfolding on this planet that point to the return of Jesus? Haven’t we heard this before and haven’t we outgrown all the emphasis on prophetic events yet to come? After all, we are finally better focused on teaching believers how to live and make a difference in the here and now. It just feels better to have graduated people to the reality of a gospel that is meant to make an impact on the current world we live in and stop focusing on the sweet bye and bye.

It’s true that we struggle in the Christian world to balance both worlds. No matter how much we resist looking into the reality of end time events for fear of returning to a day of being so heavenly minded we are of no earthly good, we must. We must because Jesus had so much to say about it and so did the apostles. After all, there is so much going on in the world around us to turn a blind eye and pretend it’s not all happening. Just because a confused man on the west coast makes false predictions that become fodder for late night comedians concerning the return of Christ, doesn’t mean that Jesus was wrong or the Bible is untrue. The wise person would simply revisit scripture and see what the Bible reveals to us about the signs of our times and live with a renewed level of awareness and alertness in this present age. I know it’s old school but true nonetheless, Jesus will come again. “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Free Men

What does Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, Tombstone and Braveheart have in common? Simply a list of the greatest movies ever made! At least in my opinion they are and Braveheart being the best of them all. The classic true story of a single common man whose bravery led to the freedom of Scotland from British tyranny.

There are so many incredible moments in the storyline of the movie but Wallace’s speech to an intimidated army ready to run is still my favorite. He realizes that he has only a brief moment to convince his outnumbered army to stand and fight for the cause that he was willing to give his life for. A cause that would eventually cost him his life.

You've come to fight as free men... and free men you are. What will you do with that freedom, Wallace cries. What a powerful question to pose to a group of men who were ready to relinquish their freedom for fear of failure and defeat. What will you do with that freedom? As we pause and reflect on the precious gift of freedom that we all share in America and the many sacrifices that have made it all possible, there is a deep sense of responsibility with the free gift given to us. As free men and women we should live in a way that honors those who gave so much for us to experience that freedom.

In John 8:36 we read that, “If the Son makes you free, you are free indeed.” By the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ we can experience freedom from all sin and bondage. This is the good news of the Gospel and what good news it is. However, with the wonderful freedom we have in Christ comes the real life responsibility to live in such a way that makes Jesus visible to the world around us. To live in such a way that others who are slaves to sin will see the freedom we walk in and thirst for that very same freedom in their lives. A simple question for everyone who is truly free to consider today…what will you do with that freedom?