Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our Code

What principles govern your life? What would say are foundational truths that set the agenda for the bigger decisions you make in life? At some point in life it’s vital that you are able to define what you are about and begin to make choices that align with that discovery. It’s to easy to be something in theory and not in reality. So with that in mind, I wanted to share what defines bridgeCHURCH and the Code that drives us into what we are called to do in this city!

We are all about the Experience. This is a place where passionate worship and His word bring people into an experience with God.

We are called to bring Hope. We are seeking those in our city who are lost and far from God.

We will Grow. Growth is a sign of health in both the believer and the Body of Christ.

Our hearts beat with Compassion. True compassion moves us beyond just feelings and emotions, and compels us to action through love for others.

We are defined by how we Serve. It is through simple acts of serving, even to the least of these, that we humbly make Christ known in this city.

This is a place to Connect. We are marked by kindness and authenticity. Simply put, people matter to us.

We Give because He first gave. We invest generously, sow bountifully, and spend ourselves for the sake of God and people.

Respect is in our DNA. We show value toward God and others in the way we express honor and respect in both our language and attitude.

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