Tuesday, July 12, 2011


One of the most difficult topics to engage our culture in is the topic of end time events. There are moments of peaked interest only to be met with much skepticism and doubt. How could a sober, rational and educated person ever believe there are series of events that are currently unfolding on this planet that point to the return of Jesus? Haven’t we heard this before and haven’t we outgrown all the emphasis on prophetic events yet to come? After all, we are finally better focused on teaching believers how to live and make a difference in the here and now. It just feels better to have graduated people to the reality of a gospel that is meant to make an impact on the current world we live in and stop focusing on the sweet bye and bye.

It’s true that we struggle in the Christian world to balance both worlds. No matter how much we resist looking into the reality of end time events for fear of returning to a day of being so heavenly minded we are of no earthly good, we must. We must because Jesus had so much to say about it and so did the apostles. After all, there is so much going on in the world around us to turn a blind eye and pretend it’s not all happening. Just because a confused man on the west coast makes false predictions that become fodder for late night comedians concerning the return of Christ, doesn’t mean that Jesus was wrong or the Bible is untrue. The wise person would simply revisit scripture and see what the Bible reveals to us about the signs of our times and live with a renewed level of awareness and alertness in this present age. I know it’s old school but true nonetheless, Jesus will come again. “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3

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