Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Two Is Better Than One

I think I am stating the obvious when I say that we cannot do life alone. In fact, life was never intended to be done alone. Every successful season of my life has been because of a dedicated individual effort and the assistance of one or more people influencing me to be my best. I cannot imagine how limited I would be trying to accomplish great things for God in my life without the assistance of others. Simply put, I cannot succeed in life on my own.

This is true for all of us today, especially when life gets tough. Too often we get weary from shouldering burdens and problems in life by ourselves. We eventually collapse in exhaustion and emotional fatigue under the weight of it all. Could it be that the burden was not intended to be so heavy and the weight of life so pressing as it currently is? Could it be that you are carrying a weight meant for two in your limited individual strength?

Jesus tells us to come to him when we are weak and burdened down. To learn of him, for his yoke is easy and his burden is light. The audience understood this word picture, being familiar with oxen and the yoke. They knew that oxen only labored in pairs, never alone. They shared the burden and the weight together. No farmer would have ever tried to plow a field with a single ox shouldering a yoke that was meant for two.

Let me ask this question: Are you carrying a weight today in your own strength? Is the load getting heavy and the weight becoming increasingly unbearable? The weight of a troubled marriage, financial stress, physical limitations or sickness, relational or emotional pain? If so, then why not try it the way Jesus encourages us to. Come to him with all of the burdens of life and give them to him. Begin to learn of him and by all means take his yoke, the kind where he walks with you and shares the load, and discover that life can actually be much easier and our burdens lighter. Your will never be stronger than when you admit your weaknesses and confess your need for his help and assistance.

Without question, in life, two is better than one! Especially when the other one is Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith!