Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A New Chapter in Life

“Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating for us growing old.” - Mary H. Waldrip
I am only three days into the life of being a new grandfather and I am still overwhelmed by the whole experience. I am not sure there are words that really define the joy and the sense of pride that comes with my new role in life. Grandpa, or Poppa as Everly will call me, seems like it should be someone else’s title. However, it’s mine and I would not have it any other way. I held her the first day and have not been able to put her down since. All the clichés that come along with a grandchild fit perfectly and yet fall so short of describing the sense of pride I feel. I am way too young, at least my wife thinks so, but am so ready for this new chapter of our lives! Baby Everly, you are simply amazing!

My prayer over her life is that she will grow up healthy and experience Jesus at an early age. That she will have a heart full of adventure and a deep sense of purpose for her existence on this planet. I want her to laugh often in life and cry tears of joy in the presence of the Lord. I can only imagine what she will do in life for the cause of Christ with parents who love God deeply, and aunt who adores her, not to mention grandparents who are stunned that God would ever trust us in this role. As we turn the page in this chapter of our lives, it’s with great expectancy and a renewed realization of the great privilege and greater responsibility God has given us. Grandparents, we are so blessed!