Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Give God Room to Work

In the early 1990’s, I had been working with a group of inner city students in Central Kentucky. God gave unusual favor in the project areas of our city for our church to minister to at-risk kids. As several of the teens came to Christ and began winning their friends, they challenged me to start a club at our only high school in the county. I was at first reluctant, not knowing how it would be received, but after prayerfully considering the need, I took the challenge and approached the school administration.

I was surprised at how receptive they were to the idea and how with a teacher sponsor, I could even read from the Bible on campus. The day came for our first meeting that had been announced the evening before. We had been given a small classroom to begin with, seating up to twenty five students. When I arrived they informed me that the classroom was needed and I would have to meet in the auditorium. I was a little bummed because room dynamics plays a huge role in atmosphere, but had no other choice than to comply.

I remember that day waiting, expecting my core students to show up and get underway when the bell sounded. As I waited I could not believe what I was seeing. Students came and kept coming for the entire break between bells. When I started, I began our first meeting with 265 students and the momentum just kept going from there. I was able to invite a University of Kentucky Basketball player who served as team chaplain, and over 600 students came out. During that year, over 100 students accepted Christ and the Life Club is still talked about today by those who experienced it.

I only share this to encourage you to be careful not to allow intimidation or fear to cause you to lose sight of the greatness of our God. He shows up in ways that often astound us and cause us to remember His power and faithfulness. You could be just one step away from a step of faith that will impact the course of your life forever. What opportunities have you backed away from for fear or insecurity? I challenge you as my students challenged me; give God something to work with. Make a bold move with your life that requires His intervention and assistance to succeed. Our God is more than able!